dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Sweet & Spooky Halloween Mummies

Materials Needed:
empty tin can in any size you wish
black spray paint

googly eyes
craft glue

Spray-Paint Cans

Clean and dry empty cans. Use pliers to press down any stray pieces of metal around the can's inside rim, then cover the outside of the can with a coat of black spray paint. Cut a 5-foot length of cheesecloth and fold it over two times. Apply hot glue to one end of the cheesecloth's length, then secure it to the tin can's back side . To create the mummy's bottom lip, pull down on the cheesecloth and use a dab of hot glue to hold it in place . Continue wrapping the fabric all the way around the tin can from bottom to top, then back down to the bottom again. Use hot glue to secure the fabric's loose end on the can's back side . To make room for the googly eyes, pull the cheesecloth apart and attach the eyes with hot glue (Image 1). To create a safer edge around the can's rim, fold a bit of fabric over the rim, securing it with hot glue. Finally, fill with candy and distribute to Halloween party guests or trick-or-treaters.

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